American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

XDR Grant

 The AAOMR-XDR grant is an Early-stage Faculty Innovative Research Award, supported by XDR Radiology. It is intended to foster the growth of early career oral and maxillofacial radiologists and the future of our specialty by promoting bold, innovative, high-risk, high-reward, imaging-sciences, pilot research projects that can lead to grant support from governmental and private funding agencies such as the NIH and NSF. Awardees will be required to present their findings at the Annual Session of the AAOMR, and submit annual progress reports and closing descriptions of their projects. Awardees will be expected to publish their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals. 


Up to two awards will be given annually. The amounts awarded will be determined by the AAOMR Corporate Grant Review ad-hoc committee based on the quality and numbers of applications. The award funds will be disbursed through the applicant’s university/institution. The funding period will last 1-2 years.  


Eligibility is limited to applicants who satisfy all of the below criteria: 

  • Early-career oral and maxillofacial radiologists, within ten years of graduation from a CODA accredited OMR graduate program (e.g. for the application date of March 2021, the applicant must be graduated on or after March 2011).
  • Must be an active member of, or have submitted an application to, the AAOMR.
  • Have a full-time or part-time faculty appointment in a North American Dental School/Research Institute.
  • Rank no higher than assistant professor at the time of application.
  • The applicant may only submit one application as a PI. The applicant may serve as a co-investigator on one application and as a PI on another application or as co-investigator on multiple applications. 

Candidates with current or recent (within the last 2 years) intramural/extramural grant support (totaling more than $5,000) are not eligible to apply. 


The applicant must submit the following materials: 

1.   A research application following NIH R21 format limited to 3 pages, including abstract, background, objective, hypothesis, specific aims, expected outcomes, significance, research design, potential problems/alternative methods. The background should not be a literature review, but a concise and focused review of literature directly relevant to the proposed research.

2.    A budget with justification/explanation. The maximum award amount per application will be $10,000. Use of awarded funds are limited to direct research related expenses and cannot be used to support salary, indirect costs or travel. Limited funds may be requested to support salaries for research personnel (research assistants, postdoctoral fellows or students), and for statistical or image analysis support.

3.    Key Personnel Profile. List all individuals that meet the definition of key personnel and their correspondent role category. All key personnel must include a curriculum vitae (maximum of 2 pages per CV). Follow the NIH-bio sketch format, including all training, appointments, past and present research support and relevant publications. Key personnel are defined as all individuals who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of the project. Consultants and graduate students should be included in this “Key Person Profile” Form if they meet this definition.


Applications will be accepted once per year. The initial Request for Applications will be published on the AAOMR website in the Fall. 

For the 2021 cycle, please submit an electronic version of the complete application and supporting documents by March 15, 2021 to:

Dr. Sotirios Tetradis at 


  • The review committee will include members from the AAOMR Corporate Grant Review ad-hoc committee as well as expert members appointed by the president of the AAOMR depending on the topic of the grant.
  • The applications will be evaluated based on the scientific merit, clarity of the proposal, feasibility of experimental design, innovation, and potential for further research that will have an important impact on imaging science in OMFR and patient care. Applications that could yield results to be used as preliminary data for an R01, R21 or R03 NIH application would be highly desirable.
  • Reviews will be completed by May 20, 2021 after which the results will be communicated to the applicants. The award period will be annually, from June 1 through May 31 of the following year.



Submission Deadline

Review Completed

Award Announcement

Award time period


March 15

May 20

May 25

June 1, 2021 - May 31, 2022



Following is a blank application that you can use as a template for your application.

Research Application (Maximum of 3 pages; single spaced, 11 font or greater)

·         Background

Make short statements of what is known, what is not known, and what gap in knowledge this project is intended to fill.

·         Overall Objective, Hypothesis, Specific Aims, Expected Outcomes

What is the objective of your study?  What is your hypothesis (or research question), and what are your specific aims? What outcomes do you expect?

·         Significance of the Proposed Project

Assuming you are successful, how will your study positively impact OMFR imaging science or patient care and lead to extramural funding?

·         Experimental Design, Methodology, and Statistical Analyses

Include a projected timetable for the proposed study

·         Potential Problems and Alternative methods

If you encounter problems, what alternative methods do you plan to use to address these?

Projected Budget and Justification (Maximum of 2 pages)

Equipment, materials and supplies, miscellaneous with justification of direct costs only.  Cannot have PI salary support, indirect costs or travel.  Some support for services such as image analysis and statistical support is allowed.

Key Personnel Profile

List all individuals that meet the definition of key personnel and their correspondent role category. All key personnel must include a curriculum vitae (maximum of 2 pages per CV). Follow the NIH-bio sketch format, including all training, appointments, past and present research support and relevant publications.

Key personnel are defined as all individuals who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of the project. Consultants and graduate students should be included in this “Key Person Profile” Form if they meet this definition.


Key Personnel


Role Category

Marie Curie

Curie Institute


Wilheim Rontgen

University of Wurzburg




The AAOMR requires grantees to submit a progress report:

  • One-year Grants:  6 months after the beginning of the award period
  • Two-year Grants: 12 months after the beginning of the award period

The progress report must address the accomplishments towards the goal of the project, plans of the next 6-12 months of the project, manuscripts and publications produced, changes in the level and efforts of key personnel on the project, actual or planned challenges or delays in the project and plan for resolving them and significant changes in the study design.


Grants may be transferred from one institution to another with prior written approval from AAOMR. The Principal Investigator of the grant is responsible for submitting the following to AAOMR, in a timely manner:

  • A letter from the Principal Investigator requesting transfer of the grant to the new institution. The letter should include the Principal Investigator’s new contact information as well as the name and contact information for the new grants administration officer.
  • Written release and a final report of expenditures from the original institution, together with the refund to AAOMR of any unexpended balance.
  • Written acceptance of the grant by an authorized official of the new institution.
  • This also applies to grants that are transferred before the grant start date. AAOMR will notify the institution and the Principal Investigator of approval in writing.
  • Payments will be initiated to the new institution upon receipt of a final financial accounting of all expenditure from the original institution and a letter acknowledging that the grant has been accepted by the transfer institution.


Grants may also be transferred from one Principal Investigator to another with prior approval from AAOMR. When a transfer from one Principal Investigator to another is sought, the original investigator must submit a request in writing, stating the reason for the requested change, with evidence that the proposed new investigator can complete the project. Also, include a completed biographical information section of AAOMR’s application form and a CV for the proposed new Principal Investigator. The new Principal Investigator must also submit a letter of intent to AAOMR. AAOMR will then notify the Principal Investigator in writing of its decision whether or not to transfer the grant.


A grant may be cancelled by either party upon 30 days’ written notice. In the event of cancellation by AAOMR, the institution granted the award will be reimbursed for all costs incurred and all non‐cancelled commitments that formed part of the original grant that was approved. In the event of cancellation by the institution granted the award, any unexpended funds that have been advanced by AAOMR should be refunded to AAOMR.


At the end of the first year of any two‐year grant, the Principal Investigator must submit a progress report, including abstracts and publications of research supported in whole or in part by AAOMR. If there are no published materials credited to the grant, the report should be no more than three typed pages and include any progress made on the specific aims as outlined in the grant application or other relevant information illustrating the status of the grant. At the discretion of AAOMR, funds for the second year of the grant may be withheld based on the progress report or if progress reports are not submitted.


Within three months of the completion of the grant period, AAOMR requires a final comprehensive report to outline the project’s accomplishments. The final report must include a scientific summary, a plain language summary and a scientific report. The scientific report can be up to 3,000 words (plus reference section) and should include outcomes and describe achievements related to the initial proposal. A list of publications resulting from the project should also be included.

Electronic copies of all publications or manuscripts in press must be included with the final report. Electronic copies of any publication published after the final report is submitted should be forwarded to AAOMR as soon as they are available.


A final report of expenditures must be submitted within three months of the termination of the grant, together with the refund of any unexpended funds. Unexpended funds from an existing grant may only be carried forward as a no‐cost extension to the grant term with the written permission of AAOMR.

AAOMR is not responsible for the over‐expenditure of grant funds, for commitments against a grant not paid within 60 days after termination or for expenditures made before the starting date of a grant.